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Tag Spinoffs

Fred Blattner: genetics pioneer, entrepreneurial success, and all that jazz

December 9, 2016

Fred Blattner has been doing DNA research for more than 50 years, and he founded or co-founded three successful companies all focused on DNA: DNASTAR, Nimblegen and Scarab Genomics.

Food scientist aiding fuel ethanol with new engineered bacteria

November 28, 2016

James Steele’s new company, Lactic Solutions, is advancing a judo-like remedy: using genetic engineering to transform enemy into friend.

Invention could help diabetics with safer, surer insulin injections

November 14, 2016

Shawn Michels, a UW–Madison student and diabetic, has invented an add-on to conventional insulin pens that allows users to make their injections with one hand.

Brain cells by the billions: UW spinoff sells neural cells to drug researchers

November 1, 2016

Leaders of the University of Wisconsin–Madison lab that first transformed human stem cells into brain cells have started a company that produces and sells specialized neurons to drug researchers.

Alumnus’s startup seeks more precise screening for prostate cancer

October 26, 2016

Success will take years, but if the noninvasive screening test works, it could aid in early detection of a cancer that kills about 26,000 American men every year.

Buckthorn Baggie kills invasive trees without chemicals

October 18, 2016

The problem was simple: Buckthorn kept resprouting in Matthew Hamilton's backyard after he cut it back. His patent-pending cure annihilates the weed tree once and for all.

Engine software from UW spinoff being used around the world

September 20, 2016

A good portion of the world’s major engine manufacturers are using engine simulation software developed by Convergent Science of Madison, which has deep roots in the UW–Madison department of mechanical engineering.

UW-Madison among top universities for VC-backed entrepreneurs

September 19, 2016

UW-Madison ranked 14th worldwide among universities in a new report measuring how many graduates became entrepreneurs backed by venture capital.

UW spinoff helps boost new crop in cranberry country

August 30, 2016

Some Wisconsin cranberry farmers have started growing aronia, a fruit that is sometimes touted, in this nutrition-conscious era, as the "next superfruit." A UW–Madison spinoff is helping explain aronia's benefits.

Farm-to-home delivery service wins innovation award

August 25, 2016

Square Harvest allows consumers to order exactly what they need from small, local farms and food producers, marrying computer technology with small-batch food production.

Biological supplier prospers with aid of UW manufacturing expertise

August 24, 2016

A Madison lab is using the university's quick response manufacturing techniques to bring products to market more quickly and improve profits.

Businesses spawned at UW–Madison take two of three pitch night awards

August 17, 2016

A “pitch night” at the Madworks business accelerator on campus made significant monetary awards to two Madison businesses with roots in UW–Madison Monday. Emonix won the $5,000 economic impact award for a patent-applied-for system that reduces salt usage in water softeners.

UW-Madison spinoff releases latest educational game – aimed at fractions

August 15, 2016

A Madison maker of educational games has just published Diffission, a visual game to teach fractions to middle schoolers without the pain of the traditional “skill and drill.”

UW-Madison technology enlisted in battle against hepatitis B

August 10, 2016

A method that emerged from a UW–Madison spinoff company is in clinical trials in Europe, Asia and the United States against the infection, which can destroy the liver.

A taste of vision: Device translates from camera to brain, via the tongue

July 6, 2016

The device, patented almost 20 years ago by a visionary UW doctor, is now on the market after a long campaign by the company he founded.

New startups ‘graduate’ from UW business accelerator

July 5, 2016

The companies launched with help from the D2P program are working in such areas as growing brain cells, virtual reality and stroke rehabilitation.

UW-Madison spinoff taking a big bite out of swallowing problems

July 1, 2016

Swallow Solutions' system sets up a customized therapy program so users can strengthen the tongue and associated swallowing muscles in the throat.