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Tag Diseases

Bringing cheap and accurate tuberculosis tests to Africa

January 18, 2018

Researchers are developing a "robust, simple and inexpensive way to increase the sensitivity of an existing TB test" by integrating a step very similar to a pregnancy test.

Monkeys infected by mosquito bites further Zika virus research

December 13, 2017

Monkeys who catch Zika virus through bites from infected mosquitoes develop infections that look like human Zika cases, and may help researchers understand the many ways Zika can be transmitted.

Designer molecule points to treatment for diseases caused by DNA repeats

November 30, 2017

“Most young people with Friedreich’s ataxia develop severe heart problems and are wheelchair-bound," says researcher Aseem Ansari, "but the disease is so rare that few drug companies invest in it."

A little myelin goes a long way to restore nervous system function  

October 23, 2017

New research shows that in long-lived animals, renewed but thin myelin sheaths are enough to restore impaired nervous systems and can do so for years after the onset of disease.

CDC awards $10 million for insect borne disease center

January 26, 2017

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded $10 million to a consortium of Midwestern universities to establish a new research and training program to stem the spread of disease carried by vectors like ticks and mosquitoes.

Byzantine skeleton yields 800-year-old genomes from a fatal infection

January 10, 2017

Researchers discovered extraordinarily well preserved microfossils — mineralized ‘ghost cells’ — that closely resembled bacteria from the genus Staphylococcus.

Mitochondrial maps reveal new connections to poorly understood diseases

August 4, 2016

Mitochondrial diseases strike about 1 in 4,000 people and there are currently no licensed therapies available beyond treatments with vitamins and supplements.

UW-Madison a leader in Zika research

July 28, 2016

It’s no accident that researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have taken a lead role addressing the Zika virus epidemic gripping the Americas. Many of them were already at work fighting viruses and mosquito-borne diseases in Central and South America.

UW, Purdue scientists solve structure of cold virus linked to childhood asthma

July 13, 2016

The findings provide the foundation for future antiviral drug and vaccine development against rhinovirus C.