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UW-Madison makes it easier to pursue a career in data science and analytics

November 28, 2017

A new website makes it easier for professionals to tap into UW–Madison graduate programs that prepare them for careers in the burgeoning field of data science and analytics.

UW-Madison launches data science initiative

October 17, 2017

“The pace of change in the data science field is extremely rapid, and we think the data science initiative is one very good way to keep UW–Madison research on pace with those changes,” says Associate Vice Chancellor Steve Ackerman.

UW-Madison researchers create tools to help farmers’ markets

June 7, 2017

Farmers market managers quickly learned that digging into data created by a tool from UW–Madison researchers can offer incredible insights and identify new opportunities. For instance, the market in Monroe, Wisconsin, discovered a large number of visitors from the Chicago region.

Madison company obtains FDA approval for sleep-data software

April 12, 2017

Ensodata, a UW–Madison spinoff that sifts through mountains of data from studies at sleep centers, received approval from the Food and Drug Administration on April 11 for its main product to be a medical device.

Massive, computer-analyzed geological database reveals chemistry of ancient ocean

March 30, 2017

Why did easy-to-see and once-common structures called stromatolites essentially cease forming over the long arc of earth history?

A data tool for homeowners to make rain gardens more effective

January 11, 2017

A UW–Madison team is using a combination of outreach, sampling and detailed watershed modeling to remove obstacles that prevent more widespread use of green infrastructure, and, more importantly, evaluate which green infrastructure strategies are most effective in which areas.

Liquid silicon: Computer chips could bridge gap between computation and storage

November 17, 2016

Computer chips in development at the University of Wisconsin–Madison could make future computers more efficient and powerful by combining tasks usually kept separate by design.

Computer-generated database of diffusion values is shared online

July 19, 2016

University of Wisconsin–Madison engineers recently used powerful computers to quickly and accurately develop the world’s largest computed database of information about an important materials-mixing process called diffusion.

In a sea of data, Bioinformatics Resource Center rides genomic wave

July 2, 2013

In July 2012, the UW–Madison Bioinformatics Resource Center opened for business, providing one-stop shopping for genetic sequencing, genome assembly, analysis and a host of services to help UW–Madison faculty and others make sense of the sea of data generated by new technologies that have put the secrets of human, plant, animal and microbial genomes within tantalizing reach.